Sleep Time

Why I created Sleep Time

Marcus Homaei Twitter avatar@mhomaeiDec 8, 2023

In my first post here, I want to discuss why I've created Sleep Time.

While many acknowledge the importance of sleep, its profound impact on our daily lives requires deeper understanding.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it might seem logical for sleep to be disadvantageous as being awake offers more opportunities for gathering resources, reproduction, and defense against predators. However, sleep has remained a crucial aspect of human biology and a universal behavior among mammals for millions of years.

Despite our extensive knowledge gaps about sleep, what we do understand is substantial. We have insights into numerous ways to enhance our sleep quality for a longer and healthier life.

The internet holds a wealth of information on sleep, yet it's scattered. That's why I've created Sleep Time—to consolidate the latest, top-notch scientific findings on sleep and provide tools for enhancing sleep quality all in one place.

Sleep Time isn't a company or a non-profit organization. It's simply a venture aimed at aiding people in comprehending and enhancing their sleep.

Sleep Time - Estimates the best bed or wake up time to feel rested. | Product Hunt